VictoryShares US Large Cap High Div Volatility Wtd ETFCDL
Funds holding %
of 6,815 funds
Analysts bullish %
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
100% more first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 6 | Existing positions closed: 3
6% more funds holding
Funds holding: 52 [Q2] → 55 (+3) [Q3]
16.7% less ownership
Funds ownership: 58.22% [Q2] → 41.52% (-16.7%) [Q3]
24% less capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $195M [Q2] → $148M (-$47.7M) [Q3]
46% less repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 13 | Existing positions reduced: 24
Research analyst outlook
We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for CDL.
Financial journalist opinion
Seeking Alpha
2 months ago
CDL: A High Dividend And Low Volatility ETF, Not A Strong Growth Profile
CDL's 3.2% dividend yield and low P/E ratio make it attractive for income-focused portfolios, but not for growth-oriented investors. The ETF's sector allocation is heavily tilted towards utilities, energy, and financials, with minimal exposure to technology and industrials. CDL's low volatility and defensive strategy provide downside protection, but its growth potential is limited due to sector biases.
Seeking Alpha
8 months ago
CDL: A Solid Income Option But With Potential Underperformance
CDL is an ETF that focuses on high dividend yields and low volatility. Both its methodology and its current allocations make this an adequately diversified fund that has also enjoyed a very good past performance since it was launched. That being said, it is likely to underperform VYM in the long run because of its high expense ratio and turnover rate.
Seeking Alpha
11 months ago
CDL: Investment Process Produces A Mixed Bag Of Good And Bad Holdings
VictoryShares US Large Cap High Div Volatility Wtd ETF offers a rules-based approach that bridges active and passive management. The ETF's investment process may result in betting on both good and bad sectors, potentially leading to so-so returns in 2024. A company's past 12-month profitability is essential to CDL's selection process.
Seeking Alpha
1 year ago
CDL: 3.62% Dividend Yield With Big Quality And Growth Tradeoffs
CDL has a 3.62% dividend yield and makes monthly distributions. Its expense ratio is 0.35%, and the ETF has amassed $354 million in assets under management over nearly nine years. Victory Capital's literature suggests market-cap-weighting schemes are flawed and that its volatility-weighted approach is superior. However, the evidence I gathered indicates the opposite. CDL features 11–12% lower free cash flow margins than funds like SCHD and DLN, which incorporate a security's size into the weighting equation. It's no coincidence that they've outperformed.
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