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Market Cap: $13.8M


About: Electro-Sensors Inc is engaged in manufacturing and selling a variety of monitoring systems that measure actual machine production and operation rates, as well as systems that regulate the speed of related machines in production processes. Its speed monitoring systems compare revolutions per minute or speed against acceptable rates as determined by a customer. It also includes a line of products that measure production counts or rates, such as parts, gallons, or board feet, alarm systems, tachometers, and other devices that translate impulses from the sensors into alarm signals, computer inputs, or digital displays that are usable by the customer.

Employees: 35

Funds holding %
of 6,710 funds
Analysts bullish %

Fund manager confidence

Based on 2024 Q2 SEC filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)

200% more repeat investments, than reductions

Existing positions increased: 6 | Existing positions reduced: 2

100% more first-time investments, than exits

New positions opened: 2 | Existing positions closed: 1

9% more funds holding

Funds holding: 11 [Q1] → 12 (+1) [Q2]

0.72% more ownership

Funds ownership: 11.64% [Q1] → 12.36% (+0.72%) [Q2]

1% more capital invested

Capital invested by funds: $1.67M [Q1] → $1.68M (+$10.8K) [Q2]

Research analyst outlook

We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for ELSE.

Financial journalist opinion