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InfuSystem Holdings


Market Cap: $139M


About: InfuSystems Holdings Inc is a health care service provider, facilitating outpatient care for durable medical equipment manufacturers and health care providers. INFU services are provided under a two-platform model. The first platform is Patient Services, providing the last-mile solution for clinic-to-home healthcare where the continuing treatment involves complex durable medical equipment and services. The Patient segment is comprised of Oncology, Pain Management and Wound Therapy businesses. The second platform, Device Solutions, supports the Patient Services platform and leverages strong service orientation to win incremental business from its direct payer clients. The Device segment is comprised of direct payer rentals, pump and consumable sales, and biomedical services and repair.

Employees: 516

Funds holding %
of 6,710 funds
Analysts bullish %

Fund manager confidence

Based on 2024 Q2 SEC filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)

1,100% more call options, than puts

Call options by funds: $12K | Put options by funds: $1K

183% more first-time investments, than exits

New positions opened: 17 | Existing positions closed: 6

100% more repeat investments, than reductions

Existing positions increased: 32 | Existing positions reduced: 16

16% more funds holding

Funds holding: 67 [Q1] → 78 (+11) [Q2]

0.03% more ownership

Funds ownership: 65.19% [Q1] → 65.22% (+0.03%) [Q2]

20% less capital invested

Capital invested by funds: $118M [Q1] → $94.9M (-$23.3M) [Q2]

33% less funds holding in top 10

Funds holding in top 10: 3 [Q1] → 2 (-1) [Q2]

Research analyst outlook

We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for INFU.

Financial journalist opinion

Based on 3 articles about INFU published over the past 30 days