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Lipella Pharmaceuticals


Market Cap: $3.44M


About: Lipella Pharmaceuticals Inc is a clinical-stage biotechnology company. The company is focused on developing new drugs by reformulating the active agents in existing generic drugs and optimizing these reformulations for new applications. The company's product candidates include LP-10, LP-310 and LP-410 which can be helpful in treatment of Hemorrahagic Cystitis, Oral Licen Planus and Oral Graft.

Employees: 7

Funds holding %
of 6,710 funds
Analysts bullish %

Fund manager confidence

Based on 2024 Q2 SEC filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)

9% more capital invested

Capital invested by funds: $260K [Q1] → $284K (+$24K) [Q2]

2.21% more ownership

Funds ownership: 6.08% [Q1] → 8.28% (+2.21%) [Q2]

0% more repeat investments, than reductions

Existing positions increased: 2 | Existing positions reduced: 2

22% less funds holding

Funds holding: 9 [Q1] → 7 (-2) [Q2]

50% less first-time investments, than exits

New positions opened: 2 | Existing positions closed: 4

Research analyst outlook

We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for LIPO.

Financial journalist opinion

Based on 5 articles about LIPO published over the past 30 days