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Mirion Technologies


Market Cap: $2.28B


About: Mirion Technologies Inc provides products, services, and software that allows customers to safely leverage the power of ionizing radiation for the greater good of humanity through critical applications in the medical, nuclear, defense markets, as well as laboratories, scientific research, analysis and exploration. The Company manages its operations through two segments: Medical and Technologies. The Medical segment provides radiation oncology quality assurance, delivering patient safety solutions for diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy centers. The Technologies segment is based around the nuclear energy, defense, laboratories, and scientific research markets as well as other industrial markets. It derives maximum revenue from Technologies Segment.

Employees: 3,000

Funds holding %
of 6,686 funds
Analysts bullish %

Fund manager confidence

Based on 2024 Q2 SEC filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)

59% more first-time investments, than exits

New positions opened: 35 | Existing positions closed: 22

37% more repeat investments, than reductions

Existing positions increased: 59 | Existing positions reduced: 43

9% more funds holding

Funds holding: 144 [Q1] → 157 (+13) [Q2]

2.89% more ownership

Funds ownership: 86.72% [Q1] → 89.61% (+2.89%) [Q2]

1% less call options, than puts

Call options by funds: $585K | Put options by funds: $590K

2% less capital invested

Capital invested by funds: $2.16B [Q1] → $2.12B (-$36.8M) [Q2]

50% less funds holding in top 10

Funds holding in top 10: 2 [Q1] → 1 (-1) [Q2]

Research analyst outlook

We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for MIR.

Financial journalist opinion