Arcturus TherapeuticsARCT
About: Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc is an RNA medicines company focused on opportunities in rare diseases with a current focus on liver and respiratory diseases. It operates in the research and development segment of medical applications for nucleic acid-focused technology. The company's product pipeline includes LUNAR-OTC, LUNAR-CF, LUNAR-FLU and LUNAR-COV19.
Employees: 180
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
39% more call options, than puts
Call options by funds: $5.9M | Put options by funds: $4.24M
16% more repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 57 | Existing positions reduced: 49
3.49% less ownership
Funds ownership: 101.54% [Q2] → 98.05% (-3.49%) [Q3]
4% less funds holding
Funds holding: 170 [Q2] → 164 (-6) [Q3]
8% less capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $666M [Q2] → $615M (-$50.5M) [Q3]
17% less first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 24 | Existing positions closed: 29
Research analyst outlook
2 Wall Street Analysts provided 1 year price targets over the past 3 months
2 analyst ratings
BTIG Thomas Shrader 29% 1-year accuracy 2 / 7 met price target | 142%upside $41 | Buy Initiated | 28 Jan 2025 |
HC Wainwright & Co. Ed Arce 49% 1-year accuracy 81 / 165 met price target | 271%upside $63 | Buy Reiterated | 13 Jan 2025 |
Financial journalist opinion
Based on 4 articles about ARCT published over the past 30 days