FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond Index FundHYGV
Funds holding %
of 6,823 funds
Analysts bullish %
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
31% more repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 42 | Existing positions reduced: 32
17% more first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 7 | Existing positions closed: 6
3% more capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $1.23B [Q2] → $1.26B (+$39.8M) [Q3]
0% more funds holding
Funds holding: 89 [Q2] → 89 (+0) [Q3]
1.94% less ownership
Funds ownership: 88.4% [Q2] → 86.47% (-1.94%) [Q3]
50% less funds holding in top 10
Funds holding in top 10: 4 [Q2] → 2 (-2) [Q3]
Research analyst outlook
We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for HYGV.
Financial journalist opinion
Zacks Investment Research
1 month ago
Is FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) a Strong ETF Right Now?
Designed to provide broad exposure to the High-Yield/Junk Bond ETFs category of the market, the FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) is a smart beta exchange traded fund launched on 07/17/2018.
Zacks Investment Research
3 months ago
Is FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) a Strong ETF Right Now?
Designed to provide broad exposure to the High-Yield/Junk Bond ETFs category of the market, the FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) is a smart beta exchange traded fund launched on 07/17/2018.
Seeking Alpha
4 months ago
HYGV: Beating Other Junk Bond ETFs, But Lagging Fallen Angels
FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond Index Fund (HYGV) is a junk bond ETF focused on fundamentals and risk management. HYGV is overweight in debt of U.S. industrial companies. Despite a high distribution rate, HYGV's dividend growth has not kept pace with inflation, and the share price points to a steep decay in value.
Zacks Investment Research
5 months ago
Is FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) a Strong ETF Right Now?
The FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) made its debut on 07/17/2018, and is a smart beta exchange traded fund that provides broad exposure to the High-Yield/Junk Bond ETFs category of the market.
Zacks Investment Research
7 months ago
Is FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) a Strong ETF Right Now?
Designed to provide broad exposure to the High-Yield/Junk Bond ETFs category of the market, the FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) is a smart beta exchange traded fund launched on 07/17/2018.
Seeking Alpha
8 months ago
HYGV: A Filtered High-Yield Approach That Works
Investing in high-yield bonds is becoming tricky, as credit spreads are near cycle lows and the market looks complacent. The FlexShares® High Yield Value-Scored Bond Index Fund ETF offers a means to tap into the high-yield bond market while emphasizing value and quality issuers. The fund's diversified portfolio, value-scoring approach, and focus on liquidity set it apart from traditional market-capitalization-weighted indices.
Zacks Investment Research
9 months ago
Is FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) a Strong ETF Right Now?
The FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) made its debut on 07/17/2018, and is a smart beta exchange traded fund that provides broad exposure to the High-Yield/Junk Bond ETFs category of the market.
Seeking Alpha
10 months ago
HYGV Is One Of The Highest-Yielding Bond ETFs With An 8.8% Yield
HYGV is one of the highest-yielding bond ETFs in the market, with an 8.8% dividend yield. Its total returns are above average too, and without any significant increase to risk or volatility. Fundamentals have somewhat improved in the recent past, with higher returns and strong dividend growth.
Seeking Alpha
11 months ago
Higher-Yield ETFs By Asset Class
ETFs offer investors diversified exposure to different asset classes, including U.S. and international equities, fixed-rate and variable rate bonds. Within each market sub-segment some ETFs offer particularly compelling yields. A short, curated overview of some of these ETFs follows. Yields range from 5% - 10%.
Zacks Investment Research
1 year ago
Is FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) a Strong ETF Right Now?
The FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond ETF (HYGV) made its debut on 07/17/2018, and is a smart beta exchange traded fund that provides broad exposure to the High-Yield/Junk Bond ETFs category of the market.
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