Immunoprecise Antibodies
About: ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd is a biotechnology company that leverages multi-omics modeling and complex artificial intelligence through a series proprietary and patented technologies. The company owns an integrated end-to-end suite of capabilities to support the development of therapeutic antibodies and are known for solving very complex industry challenges.
Employees: 101
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
0.46% more ownership
Funds ownership: 6.33% [Q2] → 6.8% (+0.46%) [Q3]
5% less funds holding
Funds holding: 19 [Q2] → 18 (-1) [Q3]
20% less repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 4 | Existing positions reduced: 5
28% less capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $1.69M [Q2] → $1.21M (-$476K) [Q3]
50% less first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 1 | Existing positions closed: 2
Research analyst outlook
1 Wall Street Analyst provided 1 year price targets over the past 3 months
1 analyst rating
HC Wainwright & Co. Swayampakula Ramakanth 34% 1-year accuracy 63 / 188 met price target | 1,221%upside $7 | Buy Maintained | 11 Dec 2024 |
Financial journalist opinion
Based on 4 articles about IPA published over the past 30 days