MGE Energy IncMGEE
About: MGE Energy provides electric service to 161,000 customers and natural gas service to 173,000 customers in Madison, Wisconsin, and surrounding areas. Nearly 90% of customers are residential. The company also owns a 3.6% stake in American Transmission Co. MGE owns interests in two coal power plants that earn guaranteed fixed rates of return, contributing about 20% of earnings. MGE's generation mix is 40% coal, 21% renewable energy, 17% natural gas, and third-party purchased power.
Employees: 719
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
70% more first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 34 | Existing positions closed: 20
21% more capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $1.68B [Q2] → $2.03B (+$346M) [Q3]
4% more funds holding
Funds holding: 255 [Q2] → 265 (+10) [Q3]
5% more repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 91 | Existing positions reduced: 87
0.89% less ownership
Funds ownership: 62.28% [Q2] → 61.39% (-0.89%) [Q3]
Research analyst outlook
We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for MGEE.