Quantum CorpQMCO
About: Quantum Corp is a United States-based company that delivers end-to-end data management solutions designed for unstructured data. The company provides solutions for the entire data lifecycle. The company specialize in solutions for video, images, audio, and other large files. The company's portfolio of products includes primary storage software and systems, secondary storage software and systems, as well as devices and media. The company's Primary Storage Software and Systems include Myriad All-Flash Software-Defined Storage, StorNext Hybrid Flash/Disk File Storage Software, and Unified Surveillance Platform Software. Secondary Storage Software and Systems include ActiveScale Object Storage Software and DXi Backup Appliances. The firm derives the majority of its revenue from United States.
Employees: 770
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
2.54% less ownership
Funds ownership: 50.03% [Q2] → 47.48% (-2.54%) [Q3]
50% less funds holding
Funds holding: 52 [Q2] → 26 (-26) [Q3]
59% less capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $19.5M [Q2] → $7.96M (-$11.5M) [Q3]
83% less first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 5 | Existing positions closed: 30
100% less repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 0 | Existing positions reduced: 21
Research analyst outlook
1 Wall Street Analyst provided 1 year price targets over the past 3 months
1 analyst rating
Northland Capital Markets Nehal Chokshi 69% 1-year accuracy 9 / 13 met price target | 85%downside $5 | Market Perform Reiterated | 14 Nov 2024 |
Financial journalist opinion
Based on 3 articles about QMCO published over the past 30 days