Reitar Logtech Holdings Limited Ordinary sharesRITR
About: Reitar Logtech Holdings Ltd provide one-stop solutions for logistics property operations in property development and redevelopment projects. It consists of two segments: construction management and engineering design services; and asset management and professional consultancy services in Hong Kong. Key revenue is generated from construction management and engineering design services.
Employees: 52
Funds holding %
of 6,815 funds
Analysts bullish %
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
0.07% more ownership
Funds ownership: 0% [Q2] → 0.07% (+0.07%) [Q3]
Research analyst outlook
We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for RITR.
Financial journalist opinion
Seeking Alpha
4 months ago
U.S. IPO Weekly Recap: WeRide Delays Its IPO As Pipeline Gets A Boost
Two small IPOs debuted this past week, while six IPOs submitted initial filings. Six IPOs submitted initial filings this week, including four names which filed to raise $100 million or more. There are no sizeable IPOs scheduled to list in the week ahead, though we're tracking four micro-caps from Asia that could potentially price their deals.
Seeking Alpha
9 months ago
Reitar Logtech Seeks U.S. IPO As Results Vary
Reitar Logtech Holdings Limited has filed for an IPO to raise $11.25 million in gross proceeds. The company provides logistics services to third-party logistics providers and aims to expand its offerings to markets in Southeast Asia. Due to extremely high valuation expectations, variable revenue, and ongoing regional and regulatory risks, my outlook on the Reitar Logtech Holdings Limited IPO is to Sell [Avoid].
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