1st SourceSRCE
About: 1st Source Corp along with its subsidiary offers banking services. The bank provides Commercial, Agricultural, and Real Estate Loans which are given to privately owned business clients mainly located within regional market area, Consumer Services that consists of full range of consumer banking products and services, Trust and Wealth Advisory Services and Insurance services to individuals and business clients. Its Specialty Finance Group offers financing services for construction equipment, new and pre-owned private and cargo aircraft, and various vehicle types for fleet purposes.
Employees: 1,170
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
881% more call options, than puts
Call options by funds: $9.4M | Put options by funds: $958K
567% more first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 40 | Existing positions closed: 6
71% more repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 70 | Existing positions reduced: 41
22% more funds holding
Funds holding: 152 [Q2] → 185 (+33) [Q3]
9% more capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $961M [Q2] → $1.05B (+$88.9M) [Q3]
0% more funds holding in top 10
Funds holding in top 10: 1 [Q2] → 1 (+0) [Q3]
1.59% less ownership
Funds ownership: 73.17% [Q2] → 71.59% (-1.59%) [Q3]
Research analyst outlook
We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for SRCE.