Texas Pacific Land
About: Texas Pacific Land Corp is mainly engaged in the sales and leases of land owned, retaining oil and gas royalties, and the overall management of the land owned. It operates its business in two segments including Land and Resource Management and Water Service and Operations. The Land and Resource Management segment focuses on managing its oil and gas royalty interest and surface acres of land. The Water Services and Operations segment encompasses the business of providing full-service water offerings to operators, produced-water treatment, infrastructure development, and disposal solutions. The company generates the majority of its revenue from the Land and Resource Management segment.
Employees: 100
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q3 regulatory filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
307% more call options, than puts
Call options by funds: $5.04M | Put options by funds: $1.24M
74% more first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 80 | Existing positions closed: 46
21% more capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $11.2B [Q2] → $13.5B (+$2.31B) [Q3]
16% more funds holding in top 10
Funds holding in top 10: 25 [Q2] → 29 (+4) [Q3]
5% more funds holding
Funds holding: 557 [Q2] → 585 (+28) [Q3]
0.28% more ownership
Funds ownership: 66.29% [Q2] → 66.57% (+0.28%) [Q3]
11% less repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 179 | Existing positions reduced: 200
Research analyst outlook
We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for TPL.
Financial journalist opinion
Based on 10 articles about TPL published over the past 30 days